Quilt Skill Building
DATE: Tuesday March 25th
TIME: 6pm-9pm
Dresden Plate
The elegant, circular Dresden Plate and its companion, the Fan, are hybrids of Traditional patchwork, combining appliqué with piecing. You will learn my secret for speed-cutting and constructing these radial segments and explore a variety of machine appliqué options in this technique class. A discussion of block variations and quilt settings will help you plan your own dynamic Dresden Plate project.
You will need:
- 2 or more Fat Quarters for blades
- 1 FQ background fabric (for sample blocks)
- Scraps for centres
- Small piece of tulle (fine netting), approx. 6” sq, optional
- regular thread to blend with blade fabrics
- rotary cutter (45mm recommended)
- small, old cutting mat
- rotary cutting grid ruler (6 x 12” recommended)
- small, sharp craft knife (optional but helpful)
- small bottle white Elmer’s School Glue
- small crochet hook or other point-turning tool
- paper scissors
- glue stick (office supply type)
- small piece of Bristol board
- pen
- masking tape
- Flatter Spray or spray starch, optional
Max. Class Size: 6
Location: Empire Make Space 168 1/2 Ottawa St. N
Instructor: Johanna Masko
Age appropriate: Adults 18+
Experience level: Adventurous Quilt Beginner